Wednesday, 8 June 2011

The Many Benefits of the Yao “Medicine Footbath”


If you want your plant to be healthy, take care of its ROOTS. To regain your health, take care of your FEET.

Have you ever considered how taking a daily footbath may help you, beyond the obvious benefit of getting you off your feet and spending quality time relaxing?

How about this: Have you ever heard or read that footbaths may postpone senility?
You’re reading it now. Listen up!

Footbaths are a precious heritage of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Footbaths originated centuries ago and to this day we still can’t deny its efficacy in the realm of health care.

Did you know there are 65 acupuncture points on each foot, and that every inch of our feet mirrors the robustness (or its lack) of our internal organs? Do a little research and you’ll discover it’s true! 

The Yao “medicine (botanical) footbath” is comprised of 38 species of natural herbs and plants and ZERO chemical additives. Our Yao footbath is derived from plants and herbs grown in a virgin forest at Yunnan, 1800 meters above sea level.  By soaking your feet in hot water temperatures between 35-40°C., the botanical extracts will penetrate through your pores into your body. You’ll start to perspire within minutes.

The “Yao” footbath is specially formulated to address skin diseases on the foot (eczema, athlete’s foot, etc.) and those who suffer from cold feet, rheumatoid arthritis, or mild respiratory or metabolic diseases (especially gout) will find blessed relief.

The “Yao” footbath improves blood circulation within the body, increases cell oxygenation, nourishes vital organs and tissues, and promotes relaxation. Sleep-deprived women frequently can rest better and longer.

Recommendation: Use a wooden tub. Pour the Yao footbath botanicals into the tub, add some boiling water and stir carefully until the botanicals are well diluted, then add warm water (between 35-40°C) and soak your legs and feet for 30 minutes.

Without fail, this product will sell itself to you. Try it once and you’ll definitely be back for more!

For further information, please contact

Legal Disclaimer: The information at this web site is not intended as a substitute for professional medical attention or advice. It should be used solely as an aid to understanding the precise botanical practices of ancient Chinese tribes. Always consult a physician for your health problem or medical condition.

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