Monday, 25 July 2011

Is Medicated Bath Effective?

We want our life to be easy and convenient. I still can recall when I was a child, I ran happily home towards my mum just by telling her that there was a supermarket name “Convenient Store” newly opened right near to my house. For me as a kid, I could buy junks and sweets whenever I feel like having it at ease. But I didn’t realize that by having all these “goodies”, would cost my health.

We, especially me, love conveniences and most of time, take our wealth – i,e, “health” for granted. We want things to be as easy as possible. For instance, nowadays, Microwave, has  been an essential in every modern household. But let me asked one question, though we could save some time from the hassle of cooking for our meals, how much these food from the microwave could be detrimental to our health?

I love the phrase “back to the Basic”, back to the routine of what the old folks have done during ages ago, isn’t that more beneficial to our health? Hence, don’t opt for a “short-cut” when comes to our health.

Different bathing forms may relieve exterior syndromes by means of diaphoresis, remove wind and dampness, promote qi flow and blood circulation, relax muscles and tendons, activate collaterals, regulate yin and yang, and inspire enthusiasm, etc. respectively. Bathing forms are numerous, such as hot spring bath, hot water bath, sunbath, seawater bath, sauna, cold water bath, medicated bath, mud bath, sand bath and forestry bath. Because of limited space, this section only introduces the TCM characteristics of Medicated Bath.

Medicated bath – that formulated from herbs and plants

Medicated liquid with a certain concentration is used to bathe or soak the whole body. In this way, the active principles of the drugs can exert direct effects on the region of pathological changes to destroy bacteria, kill pain, check itching and relieve inflammation. Meanwhile, by means of skin absorption, the active principles enter blood circulation to reach every tissue and organ of the human body, and to bring the therapeutic effects into full play.

The mechanism of life cultivation and rehabilitation with medicated bath

Medicated bath, like hot spring bath, hot water bath and sauna, can make skin blood vessels dilated and congested, accelerate metabolism and strengthen syringadenous excretion to promote profuse sweating and discharge of metabolite and toxin. Heat can reduce the excitability of nervous system to produce tranquilization and to be beneficial to sleeping, too. The heat of water can reduce muscular tension to relieve muscular pain and spasm as well. Moreover, the drugs in the medicated liquid reach the body directly. Therefore, it can produce a pharmacological action which does not exist in other bathing therapies.

Medicated bath may be applicable to the rehabilitation of hypertension, local soft tissue injury, neurosis, rheumatic arthritis, rhematoid arthritis, lumbago, pain of legs, ischias, sequelae of cerebrovascular accident, obesity, psoriasis, and skin itching, etc.

Cook the medicine into a hot boiling water i.e. 100 for at least 15mins. Then, decoct the herbs and plants into decoction. Next, mix the decoction with bathing water. The temperature of the water is about 35 to 40. The bathing lasts 15 to 20 minutes each time, once a day or once every other day. It is advisable to take the medicated bath after noon or in the evening according to the person’s physical conditions. After bathing, wipe the body drily with a towel. Then, cover the body with a quilt and lie in bed peacefully for a while. However, be cautious not to select the drugs which irritate and corrode the skin; old, very young and seriously sick patients should be nursed to avoid accidents; medicated bath is not advisable in the case of skin injury, excessive starvation, overfeeding, menstrual period and pregnant stage.

Those who are interested, please kindly contact for more information.

Thursday, 21 July 2011

The Best Food - Pineapple

The pineapple is a member of the bromeliad family. It is extremely rare that bromeliads produce edible fruit. The pineapple is the only available edible bromeliad today. It is a multiple fruit. One pineapple is actually made up of dozens of individual floweret’s that grow together to form the entire fruit. Each scale on a pineapple is evidence of a separate flower.

Pineapples stop ripening the minute they are picked. No special way of storing them will help ripen them further. Color is relatively unimportant in determining ripeness.

Choose your pineapple by smell. If it smells fresh, tropical and sweet, it will be a good fruit. The more scales on the pineapple, the sweeter and juicier the taste. After you cut off the top, you can plant it. It should grow much like a sweet potato will. This delicious fruit is not only sweet and tropical; it also offers many benefits to our health.

Pineapple is a remarkable fruit. We find it enjoyable because of its lush, sweet and exotic flavor, but it may also be one of the most healthful foods available today. If we take a more detailed look at it, we will find that pineapple is valuable for easing indigestion, arthritis or sinusitis. The juice has an anathematic effect; it helps get rid of intestinal worms.

Let’s look at how pineapple affects other conditions.

Pineapple is high in manganese, a mineral that is critical to development of strong bones and connective tissue.

A cup of fresh pineapple will give you nearly 75% of the recommended daily amount. It is particularly helpful to older adults, whose bones tend to become brittle with age.

Bromeliad, a proteolysis enzyme, is the key to pineapple’s value. Proteolysis means “breaks down protein”, which is why pineapple is known to be a digestive aid. It helps the body digest proteins more efficiently.

Bromeliad is also considered an effective anti-inflammatory. Regular ingestion of at least one half cup of fresh pineapple daily is purported to relieve painful joints common to osteoarthritis. It produces mild pain relief. In Germany, bromeliad is approved as a post-injury medication because it is thought to reduce inflammation and swelling. Orange juice is a popular liquid for those suffering from a cold because it is high in Vitamin C. Fresh pineapple is not only high in this vitamin, but because of the Bromeliad, it has the ability to reduce mucous in the throat. If you have a cold with a productive cough, add pineapple to your diet.

It is commonly used in Europe as a post-operative measure to cut mucous after certain sinus and throat operations.

Those individuals who eat fresh pineapple daily report fewer sinus problems related to allergies. In and of itself, pineapple has a very low risk for allergies.

Pineapple is also known to discourage blood clot development. This makes it a valuable dietary addition for frequent fliers and others who may be at risk for blood clots.

An old folk remedy for morning sickness is fresh pineapple juice.

It really works! Fresh juice and some nuts first thing in the morning often make a difference. It’s also good for healthier mouth. The fresh juice discourages plague growth.

Hence, include Pineapple as part of daily diet from today onwards.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

Yao Introduction Video

Dear All,

Please kindly visit the following video:

Though is a boring video, but it has demonstrated the following beneficial information:

(1) Yao's Introduction and their lifestyle
(2) The serenity of "JinPing" at Yunan, where all the herbs and plants of the "Medicine" treatment originated from. 100% natural with zero preservatives.
(3) Our factory that produced this product.
(4) The certification and recognition they have obtained

For further information please contact

The Many Benefits of the Yao “Medicine Footbath”


If you want your plant to be healthy, take care of its ROOTS. To regain your health, take care of your FEET.

Have you ever considered how taking a daily footbath may help you, beyond the obvious benefit of getting you off your feet and spending quality time relaxing?

How about this: Have you ever heard or read that footbaths may postpone senility?
You’re reading it now. Listen up!

Footbaths are a precious heritage of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Footbaths originated centuries ago and to this day we still can’t deny its efficacy in the realm of health care.

Did you know there are 65 acupuncture points on each foot, and that every inch of our feet mirrors the robustness (or its lack) of our internal organs? Do a little research and you’ll discover it’s true! 

The Yao “medicine (botanical) footbath” is comprised of 38 species of natural herbs and plants and ZERO chemical additives. Our Yao footbath is derived from plants and herbs grown in a virgin forest at Yunnan, 1800 meters above sea level.  By soaking your feet in hot water temperatures between 35-40°C., the botanical extracts will penetrate through your pores into your body. You’ll start to perspire within minutes.

The “Yao” footbath is specially formulated to address skin diseases on the foot (eczema, athlete’s foot, etc.) and those who suffer from cold feet, rheumatoid arthritis, or mild respiratory or metabolic diseases (especially gout) will find blessed relief.

The “Yao” footbath improves blood circulation within the body, increases cell oxygenation, nourishes vital organs and tissues, and promotes relaxation. Sleep-deprived women frequently can rest better and longer.

Recommendation: Use a wooden tub. Pour the Yao footbath botanicals into the tub, add some boiling water and stir carefully until the botanicals are well diluted, then add warm water (between 35-40°C) and soak your legs and feet for 30 minutes.

Without fail, this product will sell itself to you. Try it once and you’ll definitely be back for more!

For further information, please contact

Legal Disclaimer: The information at this web site is not intended as a substitute for professional medical attention or advice. It should be used solely as an aid to understanding the precise botanical practices of ancient Chinese tribes. Always consult a physician for your health problem or medical condition.

Wellness Benefits of the Yao "Medicine Bath" Treatment

“Healing through water.”

Isn’t this the true meaning of “Spa treatment”? Balneotherapy is globally recognized as a form of natural treatment. Balneotherapy uses water to restore and revitalize your body by improving circulation and fortifying your immune system. Luxurious milk, chocolate and red wine bath treatments are no longer reserved to royalty and the well-to-do anymore. We can all indulge. And we should!

But have you ever considered regaining your vitality by way of the world-renowned Yao “bath treatment”? The 100% botanical formula “Yao” bath treatment relieves tension and stress, promotes blood circulation, and is specially formulated to treat various physical maladies.

Capitalizing on precise water temperatures, the “Yao” specially-formulated botanicals penetrate through pores into the skin, improving skin texture and restoring and revitalizing your natural beauty.

Your skin is your 2nd largest organ, containing more than 100,000 pores. There are significantly more pores on the dorsal (back) side of your body than there are in front. “Yao” botanicals effectively penetrate through your pores when your immerse yourself in hot water (between 35-40°C).

“Yao” botanical bath treatment is specially formulated, using 38 species of natural herbs and plants that originate in Yunnan, China. Using the TCM treatment concept, a “Yao” bath treatment will gradually (within 5 minutes) increases your body temperature, causing you to perspire and kill harmful germs and viruses. This is especially helpful for women with “cold hands and feet..

 “Yao” bath treatment eliminates toxins from the body, by increasing hydrostatic pressure on the body which promotes blood circulation and cell oxygenation. It also increases body metabolism  and stimulates intestinal tract and liver secretions to aid digestion. This mechanism also provides a slimming effect.

Because “Yao” botanical bath treatments increase the flow of oxygen-rich blood, each bath boosts much-needed nourishment to vital organs and tissues that often trip up women and cause them to experience irregular menstrual cycles, heavy blood clotting, dark-in-color periods, and cramping. It has also been deemed helpful in limiting or eliminating gynecological diseases.

Repeated “Yao” bath treatments (over 3-4 week period) can help normalize the endocrine gland function and autonomic nervous system functions. 

During the “Yao” bath treatment, the essences of minerals and herbs are absorbed by the body to provide healing effects to various body organs and systems. The results: better the immune system response; physical and mental relaxation; the production of endorphins; and normalized glandular function.

An experience of "Yao" bath treatment is equivalent to "visiting the gym", "going for a sauna" or "visiting a local clinic".

Experience a “Yao” bath treatment. Order today and soon you’ll be feeling as if you’ve enjoyed  an all-in-one, totally amazing facial/sauna/gym experience.

If you are currently having to endure painful and uncomfortable gynecological issues, I highly recommend this treatment.

For further information, please kindly contact

Legal Disclaimer: The information at this web site is not intended as a substitute for professional medical attention or advice. It should be used solely as an aid to understanding the precise botanical practices of ancient Chinese tribes. Always consult a physician for your health problem or medical condition.

Beautiful from the Inside, Out - the Yao "Medicine Bath" for Women

Beautiful, complex, strong, – there has never been a better time to be a woman.

You’ve made tremendous strides: family, life, career, the world! But even as you take charge in more areas, one aspect of your existence remains critical: your health! If you lose your robust vitality, it will take a terrible toll on every other aspect of your life.

Given modern lifestyles the and multiple roles you play, it’s crucial to remain robust, always ready to face a new day with your own unique glow. And there’s something else: you hold the key to your family members’ vitality, too, so staying well-informed serves everyone within your sphere of influence.

The main objective here at is to use traditional Chinese folk medicine wisdom to ensure that you remain “Beautiful from the Inside Out.” To this end, we’ve introduced a botanical bath borrowed from the most civilized tribe in China, the “Yao.”  But this bath is just our flagship offering. We work in multiple areas to introduce 100% natural products made from herbs and plants. “Simple,” “Safe” and “Effective” are our watchwords. Unless product ingredients meet all three criteria, you won’t find them on our website.

To embrace and retain your natural beauty, it’s vital to improve the functioning of your internal organs and properly nourish your brain. The Yao “medicine bath” is made up of 38 species of herbs and plants which originate in a virgin forest called “Ailao” (“mountain” in Yunnan). “Ailao” Mountain is like a serene fairyland. The weather changes every 10km along the way up. And although “Yao” women live deep inside this primeval forest, none suffer any form of gynecological disease. Their practice: talking a bath with specially-formulated herbs and plants every night after their hard day in the field.

More than 10 years’ worth of research later, we now firmly believe that the formulated herbs and plants offer what appears to be a near-miracle treatment for physically-besieged women no matter where they live on the planet.

The “Yao” bath treatment is carefully formulated to penetrate the skin through hot water. The treatment improves skin texture, sterilizes, cleans and eases itching in the vaginal area, improves pre-menstrual symptoms, and ensures that endometrial breakdown is completely expelled from the uterus during each menstrual period. All of this appears to significantly reduce or eliminate entirely the risk of gynecological disease even as it improves the overall fertility of women.

Try our “Yao” bath treatment especially if you feel physically weak, have a hormone imbalance, or want to restore or improve your menstrual cycle to recapture your robust essence, fecundity, and natural beauty.

Bonus side effect: By improving the overall functionality of your ovaries and uterus, your complexion will begin to glow with vitality, helping you look beautiful from the inside out.

Immerse yourself in the ancient wisdom of this Yao botanical “miracle worker” to regain your natural beauty today.

Please kindly contact for further information.

Legal Disclaimer: The information at this web site is not intended as a substitute for professional medical attention or advice. It should be used solely as an aid to understanding the precise botanical practices of ancient Chinese tribes. Always consult a physician for your health problem or medical condition.

With Yao Spa Treatment "瑶浴" Your Body Absorbs Nutrients Directly “让你的身体直接进补”

100% natural
Derived from herbs and plants harvested in Yunnan, China
No chemical additives
No side effects
Fosters wellbeing
Revitalizes Natural Beauty
Soothes and Relaxes

With several thousand years of reputable history behind it, balneotherapy has become a spa treatment of choice for millions of people. You may have read of the famous milk baths of Egyptian queens, England’s renowned City of Bath, or the Yellow Emperor 《黄帝内经》. All have touted the efficacy of balneotherapy.

This Yao bath treatment is increasingly enjoyed in Korea, Japan and China because of its effectiveness as a traditional Chinese remedy. The product is 100% natural and made from plants and herbs native to Yunnan, China—a vital factor!

Yunnan’s weather is the best weather in China. It mirrors spring all year ‘round. The plants and herbs in Yunnan are grown more than 1000 meters above sea level at JinPing.  JinPing appears much like Arcadia to me: surrounded by elegant mountains and cascading waterfalls, with crystal-clear water that flows from the mountains, Yunnan is the most captivating, timeless place I have ever visited.

The Yao people are citizens of the main tribe that has lived for many generations in JinPing. With more than 500 years of history, they have lived in this virgin area without a hospital or  clinic the entire time and are well known for using wild vegetation to treat wounds and sickness.

Yao’s botanically-based culture is recognized globally as traditional medical treatment. And although they practice what many westerners and others might consider “primitive” home-based childbirth, Yao women have never suffered from gynecological diseases.  Yao women routinely take what they call “medicine baths” containing herbs and plants immediately upon giving birth; just three days later, they return to their customary hard work. According to Yao wisdom, this bath treatment has a three-stage effect:

Day 1 : Detoxification and cleansing of the womb and uterus
Day 2 : Repair of the womb and uterus and slimming effect
Day 3 : Boosting of the body immune system and acceleration of recovery

Yao’s Bath Treatment Benefits

Yao’s bath treatments have been shown to:

  • Detoxify – your body perspires within 5 minutes and ejects toxin through your pores.
  • Heal – during the postpartum period, this treatment offsets inflammation of the uterus and gynecological diseases.
  • Prevent or cure skin disease.
  • Protect your delicate digestive system, aid in good bowel movement.
  • Relax your body’s muscles and minimize fatigue.
  • Strengthen your body’s immune system to thwart disease.
  • Improve your brain function and increase responsiveness, alertness and reflexes.
 Give it a try!

For further information, could contact

Legal Disclaimer: The information at this web site is not intended as a substitute for professional medical attention or advice. It should be used solely as an aid to understanding the precise botanical practices of ancient Chinese tribes. Always consult a physician for your health problem or medical condition.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Ladies: Your Wealth is Good Health

As the child of a middle-class working family, “There is no free lunch—you need to work extremely hard to earn your living” was deeply ingrained in my brain from an early age. So when I embarked on a career after university, I spared no ounce of energy, performing my utmost.

There was extensive long distance travel, last-minute urgent work assignments, sleepless nights because of work-related pressures. Of course, this relentless lifestyle began to affect my health.

Two years ago my menstrual cycles were haphazard. When I did have a period, it was problematic at best. None of this should have been happening to a 32 year old, but it was.

So I went for a physical and was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome). PCOS led to a horrible hormone imbalance. My periods became so irregular that I began to experience none at all. To all intents and purposes, I was entering menopause!

Naturally, I started seeking the advice of specialists in the field. Most told me PCOS is very common these days, with the frantic lifestyles most women lead. The physician said I could take medicine to force my period, but I didn’t want to have to rely on medicine to regulate what should have been a natural process.

That’s when I recognized the full import of the phrase, “Health is Wealth.”

I knew something was wrong with my body. I began to read and research extensively about nutrition, toxins, traditional Chinese medicine, and folk therapy in China.

During my research, I found information about the “Yao”(瑶族)a tribe in China. The Yao have a habit of taking a botanticals-based bath every day after working hard on their farms. What amazed me was that the women from the Yao Zhu tribe do not suffer ANY (zip, zero!) gynecological problems at all!

I made changes to my diet to incorporate nutrient-rich foods, became more disciplined in my lifestyle (taking quality rest hours, incorporating exercise into my daily routine, avoiding alcohol as much as possible, and soaking my legs in warm water every night, etc.). I also take a botanicals-based bath twice a week. With this new regimen, my body slowly regained its strength and my period cycle returned to normal.

I realize now how amazing all this has been. By ensuring the smooth flow of primary and collateral energy channels (经络) in our bodies and the effectiveness of acupuncture points (穴位), it is absolutely possible to achieve (or reclaim) a robust, vibrant body.

In this blog, I will share the lifestyle changes I have made, along with DIY Traditional Chinese treatments. I hope you will bookmark this page and follow me. And if you have any friends suffering from irregular periods or a high-stress existence, I hope you will share my blog with them. The more the merrier.  I mustn’t keep these amazing discoveries to myself. So many women are experiencing the same maladies. It’s time for all that to END!

Those that who is interested in this product, please kindly contact me at

Please follow me!!!!

Legal Disclaimer: The information at this web site is not intended as a substitute for professional medical attention or advice. It should be used solely as an aid to understanding the precise botanical practices of ancient Chinese tribes. Always consult a physician for your health problem or medical condition.